Friday, November 29, 2013


Dink ran out the door and ran to the nurses office.


Dink was sitting at his desk when Mrs.Eagle asked him to pass out the math tests to everyone. When he got to Josh, Josh said, "Can I have two?" Dink gave one to Josh. Just then, Josh grabbed one from Dink. Dink said, "Ouch!" Mrs.Eagle said, "What happened?" Dink said, "I just got a paper cut."'Well you can go to the nurse's office, but come back quick because I don't want you to miss the math test." said Mrs.Eagle.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Benjamin真的是越来越可爱了,15个月已经走的很好了,而且可以听懂很多东西了, 你让他去拿东西给你,他基本上都是准确无误的拿给你,表情也是很满足的样子.